mid sems are finally over!!
the mid sems are finally over!!! last two weeks , i have been a bit busy, not because of classes(oh yes!! finally they are becoming a bit regular now) but because of mid sems, i had to get the class notes photostated. it is at this time that the photostat machines stop functioning and one has to wait for the whole day to his turn. it has been a norm to mass bunk the classes a week before the mid sems. the teachers are told in advance abt our absence and to rest in their rooms during our class timings. however there are some colleges which take mass bunks seriously. in fact the sister college of dce have slapped monetary fine on each student of 2 branches taking part in mass bunks(is it a school or a college???). one can easily find notices warning students of rigorous actions. although our reason for mass bunks is to study for the mid sems, the actual study starts only in the weekends before the exams.
my mid sems went fairly well and expect a good score albiet the de facto arbitrator is the examiner. it all depends on the mood i which he is checking the papers. still there are some teachers like the database one who donate generously no matter how u perform. ofcourse you have to attempt the paper to score the marks. the algorithms paper was a shock to the class. people had mugged up the buk but finally ended using their brainpower forcefully to solve the paper. the paper asked to write algorithms for which the buk was of not much help. i did not have that buk and my amigos tried to force me to accept that if i wanted to score, got to buy that buk. at some moment of time, i was even tempted to buy that buk ,but my seniors and elders advised me against it.ultimately, i had the last laugh as there were ppl who had solved every single question of that buk and still expect to score the same as mine. the remaining one went off smoothly with no major glitches.(there was one but it did not took major shape.).
so i wud again have some "free" time before the end sems begin a month later. some of us are planning a jaunt to a hill station. although or success plan ratio is minimal but yes. we have been successful at times.lets see what happens this time!!!