Sunday, January 30, 2022

Covid Experience

After managing to avoid the major Covid waves, the third wave took us down. The three of us had Covid and the isolation period was a new experience altogether. The stress is a lot more psychological than the actual impact from Covid. The stress of staying isolated, social desertation, fear adds more to health woes than anything else the Virus does.

Staying isolated in a room needs a lot of mental support also from the family. Getting served from family during covid is less critical than getting mental support from them.

1. Keep the situation as normal as possible.

2. Keep the isolated family/person involved in the regular family talks. Keep them updated about what is happening in the home.

3. Do not pinpoint or poke them again and again about isolation using sanitiser or staying away

4. Ask them to go out in open (terrace or balcony) with proper masks on and without them touching anything. Extra care shall help here. But fresh air makes the person feel a lot more comfortable and helps in quicker recovery.

What the isolated person should do?

1. If you are isolated from other people, it’s a good time to spend either with yourself or with the person you are isolated with.

2. Engage in your interests or hobby which can be done indoors – reading books, practising music, singing etc

3. Be responsible and take proper precautions like wearing masks, using sanitisers, not touching things outside the room etc so that non-infected people stay safe.

Covid is a humbling experience for any individual and the family. I hope anyone getting affected by Covid recovers quickly - both mentally and physically.

Get Vaccinated! 

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